>Africa. Three days.

>Hey everybody. I know you all know by now but, I AM FLIPPIN’ GOING TO AFRICA! I leave on Friday. Holy stinking moley. Can you believe it? I sure can’t! Guess what else. Two weeks from today we are meeting Charles, our first Compassion child and the one who started it all! I could not be more thrilled about that! If you don’t know anything about Compassion, well, you should! Go to their website by following this link. Change the life of a child if that is what the Lord calls you to do. Help buy mosquito nets for families around the world if that is what you should do. Help out. Make a difference. I am going back to Africa a second time in three days. The Lord changed my life through it once, and I know He will again. It’s my husbands first time. He’s a little nervous but that’s okay I am too! Not that I really want to be admitting that! I hope that I get a chance to keep up with all you as we are over there but if not, get ready for some major updates when I get back… 

Please pray for us while we are traveling as well as for the time that we are there! 

This entry was posted in Africa, Compassion, Headed to Uganda, Uganda. Bookmark the permalink.

79 Responses to >Africa. Three days.

  1. >wow, what an amazing trip! good luck with your travels and I'll be praying for you

  2. modchik says:

    >Happy SITS days – prayers for you and your husband while you travel – VERY exciting!

  3. misssrobin says:

    >Congratulations on your SITS day. And travel safely. I'll say a prayer for you.

  4. Shannon says:

    >Enjoy your SITS day… and safe travels!

  5. >Found you on your SITS day. Have a wonderful trip. I look forward to hearing your stories from your trip.Katiehttp://practicalparenting.blogspot.com

  6. >Congratulations on your SITS day!

  7. JadeLD says:

    >Happy SITS day!I hope your travelling goes well, I look forward to finding out more about your story. I'm also heading to Africa in a couple of weeks – to Uganda, although it's nowhere near as exciting as your trip, I've just got a few days work to do.Good luck with your trip and the rest of your journey.Jade

  8. >Happy SITS Day! Wow… I said it in roll call and I'll say it again… it's sounds like you are in the middle of quite a journey, both literally and figuratively. I can't wait to check it all out.Safe travels…

  9. >Happy SITS day! The trip sounds amazing!! I'll be praying for your safety!

  10. ApronTails says:

    >Happy SITS day and best of luck on your travels and with your adoption. what an amazing family you are. you are truly an inspiration! Have a wonderful journey!

  11. Tiffany says:

    >Oh my gosh girl, congrats!! That is so exciting and we'll definitely be praying for you. Compassion International is a wonderful ministry. We support Hosean International Ministries and my hope/dream is to get there soon (post baby of course) to meet Lorens, "our" 3 year old there that we support.(Happy SITS day!)

  12. Karen says:

    >Happy SITS day! Love your blog's name:) Your trip sounds amazing.

  13. Dusty says:

    >Happy SITS Day. What an awesome journey you guys are on. And how cool that you're sharing it with everyone!

  14. >Tremendous Tara! Much love, blessings, peace, and joy on your journey! Sounds like God is moving big time. 🙂

  15. >Tara,I am so excited for you and your husband. This sounds like an amazing life path you two are on right now and I think it is fabulous that you have this blog to document the entire journey!! Happy travels on this trip and ALL the steps you take. This is my first time on your blog, but, honestly, from all that I am reading here, it seems like you are on a truly blessed journey!

  16. Mel ~ says:

    >You are a tremendous woman! What an inspiration. Congratulations to both you and your husband. May your travels be filled with blessings, grace, and God's Hand.

  17. Tiffany says:

    >Happy SITS day and have a wonderful trip!

  18. >Happy SITS Day! You seem to be having a great week! Going to Africa and being picked for SITS. Your blog is very nice, I can see the love you have for children. I am not sure if you have adopted yet, but I hope the Lord blesses you with many.

  19. thisitalianfamily says:

    >Happy SITS day! Compassion is such a great organization! I love that you are involved with them. 🙂

  20. Susie says:

    >Congratulations on your SITs featue! I hope you enjoy your day in the sun and trave well:-)

  21. Shell says:

    >Sending prayers for your travels!

  22. >What an amazing journey you have a ahead of you! Cheers on your SITS day as well!Blessings to you, heidi

  23. Luci Gabel says:

    >Thanks, Tara. I've thought of adopting on and off for a long time. I think this blog will be helpful to a lot of people, in many ways. If you'd like some help eating veggies (since you don't have too much fruit there… umhmmmm!) come on over to my blog!! I also love your blog name 🙂 Have fun in AFRICA!!! Happy SITS Day!!

  24. Missy says:

    >Happy SITS day! I am following you now so I can keep up with your Africa trip. We have a compassion child as well and I would love to meet him! God bless your trip!

  25. Maggi says:

    >What a beautiful blog, it's so cheery and sweet! And what an exciting adventure you and your husband are soon to be on, congrats!Happy SITS Day! 😀

  26. nmaha says:

    >Happy SITS day. Hope you have a wonderful trip.

  27. >Congrats on your SITS day!I want to go to Africa so bad, I hope you have an amazing trip!!!

  28. Renee Ann says:

    >I'm visiting from SITS. I read through your blog, and now I'm your newest follower. Can't wait to read about your journey! Blessings!Feel free to visit me at http://reneeannsmith.com/

  29. Rebekah C says:

    >Happy SITS day! Congratulations on expecting Annie! Surely there are few children waited for with the anticipation and heart as your little girl. 🙂

  30. >Hi, Tara! I'm visiting from SITS, and I'm totally crying after reading about your upcoming trip! WOW!!! I can't believe your husband planned a trip to UGANDA for you for Christmas – that is so amazing!!! I will pray for your safety and that God will use you on this trip.

  31. >Have fun in Africa : ) I am so excited for you! What a great blog name. I just love it. Creative. It made me smile!

  32. Jill says:

    >Wow.. you are sure an inspiration! Praying for you while you travel. Congrats on your SITS day too. 🙂

  33. >Have a wonderful time in Africa! I'm stopping by from SITS to say congrats on being featured today! http://thewhitebluesky.com

  34. LisaDay says:

    >Happy SITS day.Have a great time in Africa. I hear it's hard to leave once you get there and see those wonderful children.LisaDay

  35. Kristy says:

    >That is very exciting! Safe travels, and congrats on your SITS day!

  36. >Happy SITS Day! And thank you for inspiring me this Wednesday :-)I hope you have a thoroughly wonderful, safe and rewarding trip to Africa. Will be thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers …

  37. >are you adopting him, charles… or just meeting him.. this is so great, I am a new follower from sits… and I will be happy to see your new post when you return.

  38. >NF1andprek-whisper, I couldn't access your profile and blog for some reason, but we are not adopting him (he has a momma) we just sponsor him through Compassion International and keep contact with him via letters. We are supposed to meet him and spend the day with him and his family! Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day!

  39. Lynn says:

    >Happy SITS Day! It sounds like you are in for an amazing journey. Have a wonderful and safe trip!

  40. >Happy SITS day! Have blessed travels.

  41. >Safe travels! Congrats on your SITS day!

  42. >Wow! Good luck and safe travels!

  43. Lindsay says:

    >Incredible and inspiring! I'm stopping by from SITS. Congrats and safe travels. 🙂

  44. Licia says:

    >I love your blog, Tara. Congratulations on your SITS day. I look forward to hearing all about your trip to see your Compassion child. How exciting and life-changing!

  45. DrayaAnn says:

    >Hope your travels are safe! Happy SITS day!

  46. Deidre says:

    >Happy SITS day. Safe travels. and enjoy Africa.

  47. H.H. says:

    >Happy SITS Day Tara! Your generosity of spirit is inspiring. Good journey to you and your husband.

  48. TaraBeara says:

    >Happy SITS day and happy Traveling.

  49. Liz says:

    >Best of luck with your trip!Happy SITS day.

  50. North of 25A says:

    >Congratulations on your SITS day, but more importantly, WOW! and blessings to you for your trip. My daughter spent 6 months last year volunteering at an orphanage in Tanzania; we went to visit her for Christmas & it was truly a spiritual & life changing experience. I wish the same & only the best for you!Colleen

  51. Brandy says:

    >Happy SITS Day! Hope your trip is awesome! Sounds exciting that you get to meet your Compassion child. I am sure that he is so grateful for all the support that you gave him. Enjoy your day and your trip!

  52. >Happy SITS day! And what a trip…how exciting!Looking forward to poking around your blog…

  53. >Happy SITS day, and have an incredible time in Africa.

  54. >Happy SITS day! Your compassion kids are darling! Love the apple post too!

  55. c.e.l.i.n.a says:

    >CONGRATS!!!! that is so exciting!I lived for 9 months in Ethiopia and met lots of people who were from Uganda. Good luck, the flight is the WORST part!

  56. >Just wanted to stop by and wish you a HAPPY SITS DAY! Sounds like an amazing journey you're going on – we'll be keeping you in our prayers! :)Linds

  57. Wyletter says:

    >Happy SITS Day! Have a good trip.

  58. >Happy SITS day and you'll be in my prayers for safe travels to Africa. BTW – The Lettered Cottage just added an "Adoption Story" to their blog, as they just started their journey to adopt. I'm excited to read all about it.

  59. Katherine says:

    >Happy SITS day! And best of luck on your trip. How exciting!

  60. Ms Bibi says:

    >Have excited you must be to meet Charles for the first time.I am so glad I decided to stop by SITs today and checkout featured blogger. You are an amazing and beautiful person. I decided to follow your blog because I want to know all about your adventures and making the world better place.Have a safe travel and safe return home!

  61. vivi b. says:

    >wow. oh, how I wanted to go to Africa too. =D happy SITS day and im am excited to meet Charles!!

  62. Kimmie says:

    >Excellent! Enjoy your trip! I have heard it is beautiful!I saw your feature on SITS and wanted to check out your blog.thekimmiechronicles.blogspot.com

  63. >congrats on your sits day and have a wonderful trip!

  64. Lara T. says:

    >I have never been out of the country, so that is way cool! Looking forward to hearing all about your trip, take a bunch of pictures for the rest of us! 🙂

  65. Jenny says:

    >I'm visiting from SITS… Happy SITS Day! What an amazing trip! That is so awesome. This year we are planning to sponsor a child through Compassion too. What a blessing to be able to meet your kids face to face! Safe travels!Jennywww.thesoutherninstitute.com

  66. Mrs.Mayhem says:

    >How exciting to be going to Africa! That is wonderful! Hopefully you will have a safe journey and find your time there rewarding.

  67. Grams says:

    >Congratulations on your SITS Day! Have a great trip.

  68. Varotica says:

    >Enjoy your SITS Day!I am really touched by what you write. I was so deep in all the funny takes on being a stressed Mom out there. These usually speak right from my heart and it makes my life easier to see I am not the only one.Without SITS I would not have found this blog. And it helped me see a lot of small things from a different angle again in quite some time.Thank you for that! Have a safe trip and have fun!

  69. Debbie says:

    >I will surely keep you in my prayers. I hope you have a wonderful time.

  70. >Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers. Please give a child and extra hug from me.

  71. >Happy SITS Day! All the best with your journey. I have a friend named Tara Gentile who said this is the "Year of the Tara" and if your name is Tara, it's going to be great, and everyone else is out of luck! http://www.taragentile.com/

  72. Julie M. says:

    >How exciting for you both!! Enjoy your SITS day and safe travels!

  73. >I hope you have an amazing time and safe travels! Hug those kids for me too! Stopping by from SITS.

  74. >Stopping by, belatedly for your SITS day. Wow, you leave tomorrow! I wish you a very safe and wonderful journey to Africa! I'm looking forward to following and getting to know you through your blog. Blessings, Jenn

  75. hotpants™ says:

    >It sounds like an amazing trip. Be safe. And happy SITS day!

  76. >Have a blast and happy SITS day! (a few days late:) hope it was a great day!

  77. Jill says:

    >Fantastic! All the best!!

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